Transurethral Needle Ablation or TUNA is a safe and effective in-office therapy to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia / BPH. Dr. Engel is one of the leading users of this technology across the entire United States. One of the great benefits of using TUNA is its versatility. A TUNA can be likened to a free swing – where downtime is minimal, and the procedure does not preclude the use of other treatment options after that. But what about the other way around? For example, can a TUNA be performed after a TURP or transurethral resection of the prostate?

Benign prostatic hyperplasia has many treatments including TUNA after a TURP with Dr. Jason Engel

To understand this, we must explore the TURP procedure and why you might need additional treatment several years later. You may have heard of the TURP as the gold standard in managing prostatic enlargement, and this is, indeed, true. Dr. Engel can fully visualize the prostate and has complete control over mechanically shaving away excess growth in the prostate. However, TURP does have a few considerations. There are, of course, the risks of anesthesia.

Further, almost 100% of men will experience retrograde ejaculation. Another consideration is that TURP is not permanent, much like any other BPH treatment. Most men will regrow prostatic tissue and develop worsening lower urinary tract symptoms after about 7 to 10 years. This, of course, necessitates additional treatment.

A TUNA is one such treatment. After all, it effectively eliminates excess prostatic tissue for up to five years or even longer. Both clinical data and experience from our practice largely support that. Further, TUNA retains its excellent quality as a straightforward and low-risk procedure even after a TURP.

Next Steps

If you have experienced a return of urinary symptoms after a TURP, you may be reluctant to undergo another surgical procedure. You may be limiting your liquid intake and modifying your lifestyle to deal with the symptoms. However, this does not have to be the case, and we encourage you to schedule an appointment with Dr. Engel to understand your possible options.

As a start, Dr. Engel will perform a cystoscopy to evaluate the regrowth of prostatic tissue. If the regrowth is relatively symmetric, an in-office procedure may be ideal for managing the regrowth and improving symptoms. Significantly asymmetric regrowth, a less likely scenario, may require a second TURP procedure, which is also very effective albeit more invasive.

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