How Curved Does Your Penis Have to Be for Peyronie’s Treatment?

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When a man first sees that his penis is curved, it can be a very concerning, even panic-inducing situation. Peyronie’s disease is caused by plaque buildup on the penile structures, leading to curvature in any direction. Eventually, this curvature can begin to be problematic: it can be mild or serious enough to interfere with proper sex and even cause significant pain with an erection.

When the penile curvature is relatively mild, patients are often hesitant to go to their urologist or men’s health specialist because they’re unsure if the degree of curvature requires medical or surgical care. However, looking only at the curvature does not paint the whole picture, and patients who have Peyronie’s disease should change how they think about the condition. Most importantly, it’s not so much about the degree to which the penis is curved but rather whether the curvature is interfering with life in some way or another.

Of course, there will be a point at which these two concerns intersect. Eventually, usually around 30° of curvature, it becomes tough for a patient to have enjoyable intercourse. This is also the cutoff point at which Dr. Engel believes intervention is essential.

Treatment Options

The treatment options for Peyronie’s disease are varied, each with pros and cons. Generally speaking, patients have several options, which will be discussed during our first consultation. Some of these may include:

  • Xiaflex, or a generic drug called Verapamil, which consists of a series of injections to soften the penile plaque
  • Penile plication, which involves suturing the opposite side of the penis to straighten it
  • Penile grafting which requires accessing and ultimately removing the plaque from the penis
  • A penile implant may be considered if patients have severe erectile dysfunction in addition to their Peyronie’s.

The Bottom Line

While it may feel embarrassing to some men, penile curvature is not unusual, just as it is very treatable. Visiting our office to get more information on treatment options is the best next step for most patients. We look forward to having that conversation and giving you the treatment options we believe are best for you to move forward and improve your overall lifestyle.

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