Monthly Archives: September 2024
Can BPH Cause Erectile Dysfunction?
BPH or benign prostatic hyperplasia and erectile dysfunction ED may seem entirely separate but actually have some interesting overlap. After all, the prostate is located near a man’s sexual organs. But while the enlargement of one’s prostate does not have a direct cause or effect on erectile dysfunction, some of the follow-on effects of BPH can make an erection more challenging to achieve or maintain.
Is Low T (Low Testosterone) a Myth?
Low testosterone, commonly referred to as Low T, is the term most people use for hypogonadism. Testosterone is an important hormone (produced in both men and women) that drives various bodily functions and traits, not least sexual desire and “manly” traits like muscle building and strength. It’s worth noting that testosterone is also essential in women. However, they require about 1/10 of the testosterone that men do. Women with concerns revolving around testosterone can see a female urologic specialist or knowledgeable endocrinologist. For the purposes of this article, however, we will focus on male testosterone levels.