Category Archives: Injections

Penile Injections for ED – Are They Extreme?

Discussing the full range of treatment options for exile dysfunction or ED is good practice. For most patients, five treatment options exist: Medication such as Viagra/sildenafil and Cialis/Tadalafil Urethral suppositories Vacuum erection devices Penile injections And penile prosthesis or implants.

P-Shots – What Are They, and Do They Work?

P-shots or Priapus shots, aptly named after the Greek god of fertility, have become popular in recent years as some in the medical community turn their minds toward biohacking or improving the function of the body. From online resources to doctors and men’s health clinics, P-shots are being advertised as a way to get many benefits from platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, specifically as it relates to the penis. Let’s see what the most common claims are. P-shots can improve erectile function. P-shots can increase the girth and or length of the penis. P-shots can improve the health of the penis.

Are Injections for ED Extreme?

Erectile dysfunction, or ED, is a problem as old as humanity and remains virtually inevitable as we age. No matter how healthy we are, the heart and blood vessels, especially those arteries feeding oxygen to the penis, eventually lose their ability to transmit blood to the body as effectively as before. The best analogy involves our capacity to exercise as we age. No matter how in shape we are for our age, our bodies lose some ability with time. As it relates to erectile function, this aging process leads to weaker erections over time and, eventually, the inability to enjoy one’s sex life.

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