Can Coffee Lower Prostate Cancer Risk?

Coffee has historically had an up and down relationship in researchers’ eyes. What was once considered incredibly healthy, was later vilified as carcinogenic. Today, many studies have shown that coffee confers more antioxidant benefits than it does risks in the average person when consumed in moderation.

Coffee drinking might help decrease prostate cancer risk according to Urologic Surgeons of Washington

But what did recent studies say about coffee as it relates to prostate cancer risk?

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5 Healthy Habits for Your Urinary System

Your urinary system acts as the janitorial crew for your blood. After your body has taken the nutrients that it needs from what you consume and converts it into energy, your kidneys filter out the rest as waste and send it through the urinary system to be expelled as urine.

Male in white button down shirt holds a plastic bottle of water out in front of him

Without your urinary system your body would become saturated with waste and toxins that can cause fatal results if left untreated. Luckily, there are things you can incorporate into your daily life to keep your urinary system happy!

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When Is It Back Pain Vs Kidney Pain?

The kidneys are an amazing filtration system and play a crucial role in our overall health. Similarly, keeping ourselves healthy also ensures that our kidneys work properly. When the kidneys do not work as they should, they can cause pain and discomfort. However, diagnosing kidney pain is not something that can be done simply by assessing the location of the pain. There are other organs and structures that can trigger pain receptors in that area.

Man holds lower back in pain wondering if it is kidney pain or back pain. Urologic Surgeons of Washington logo at top left.

Before we get a little deeper into kidney pain, we must discuss exactly where the kidneys are located. Many people are surprised to know how high up they are. If you drop your arms to your side, your kidneys are somewhere at the level of your elbows, or slightly higher. This may help you understand that many cases of back pain simply do not originate in the kidneys.

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Prostate Cancer – No Big Deal or Deadly?

As a leader in the evolution of diagnosis and classification of prostate cancer over the past few decades, Dr. Engel has seen and participated in changes regarding how we view prostate cancer and how it is ultimately treated. Elsewhere on this website and in his webinars, Dr. Engel has discussed PSA or Prostate Specific Antigen and how it revolutionized the diagnosis of prostate cancer…however, early on it was poorly understood, used improperly and ultimately led to over-treatment in many men.

Urologist in white coat holds blue ribbon for prostate cancer awareness at Urologic Surgeons of Washington in DC.

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3 Ways to Reduce Your Risk of Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer can become a trigger for panic when we hear that 13 out of every 100 men in the United States will have it at some point in their lives. Although you cannot change your age or genetics, which certainly factor when calculating your risk of prostate cancer, you can take active, preventative measures to decrease your chances.

Medical illustration of Prostate Cancer shows why men should take steps to reduce their prostate cancer risk. Urologic Surgeons of Washington logo at bottom right.

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Urine Color, Your Health & When to Call a Doctor

It might come as a shock, but the color of your urine can say a lot about you and your overall health. Although the tint of your urine varies depending on how hydrated you are, it can also indicate a UTI, liver or kidney disorders, tumors and more. Do not fret – discolored pee can also (and more likely) be caused by new medications, dehydration, dyes, vitamins, and certain foods.

Brightly colored urine sample in specimen cup sits on counter in focus as urologist in white coat makes notes on clipboard in background. Urologic Surgeons of Washington logo at top left.

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Differentiating Kidney Stones from a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

It can be concerning to experience pain ‘down there’. Many questions of what could be causing the pain and discomfort run circles in your mind. Your first move might be calling your primary care doctor and declaring you have a UTI. Stop right there – the symptoms of UTIs and kidney stones can be similar, but treatment is very different. In this article, we will be discussing the similarities and differences between the two and when you should go see a doctor.

Woman in tee shirt and jeans grips abdomen in pain wondering if she has a kidney stone or UTI. Urologic Surgeons of Washington logo at top left.

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Staying Hydrated for Urologic Health

As summer rolls in and the temperatures rise, staying well hydrated is even more important. Beyond just quenching your thirst, staying hydrated and drinking water have overarching benefits for your entire body – including your urinary system.

Man in blue tee shirt sits at desk reaching for glass of water as he works to stay hydrated for his urological health. Urologic Surgeons of Washington logo at top left.

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Why In-office BPH Procedures Make Sense

Doctors office with medical equipment hanging on the wall

Many men suffer from Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia or enlarged prostate. It becomes more common as a man ages with approximately 50% of all men experiencing it by the age of 50 and 80% by the age of 80. And while the condition is not life-threatening and only in rare cases medically problematic, it can be very limiting. Those who suffer from BPH may have difficulty urinating or may experience urinary incontinence. They may limit activities because of the psychological impact that such problems have on one’s psyche. BPH can also cause frequent urination, especially at night and many patients report going to the bathroom up to a dozen times, which not only is terribly disruptive, but also causes fatigue and tiredness throughout the rest of the next day. Many patients visit their urologist in a panic believing that they may have prostate cancer and for the vast majority, this is not the case. It is worth remembering that early stages of prostate cancer do not present with urinary symptoms similar to BPH. However, this reassurance does not address the underlying cause of the enlargement and the resultant symptoms.

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Does Peyronie’s Disease ever Resolve Itself?

To understand the progression of Peyronie’s disease, it is important to know exactly what it is. Peyronie’s disease is the buildup of scar tissue around the lining of the corpora cavernosa causing the abnormal curvature of the penis – most commonly, upwards. There are various causes of Peyronie’s, but regardless, the change is distressing for most and is a common cause of a visit to a specialized urologist.

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