The Lowdown on Herbal Remedies for BPH

BPH or enlarged prostate is a progressive problem. Patients do not wake up one day with severe lower urinary tract symptoms, rather they slowly get to a point where their urinary issues become bothersome and difficult to live with. As such, taking a stepwise approach toward the treatment of BPH is important.

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There’s Nothing I Can Do to Prevent ED / Myths of ED

Many men come to our office deeply concerned about ED or erectile dysfunction – something we also call impotence. After all, a man’s erectile function is often psychologically linked to their virility and is physically critical to their sexual enjoyment. This is especially true if the man is dating and meeting new people.

Unfortunately, too many men believe that erectile dysfunction is simply a natural part of aging and there’s not much they can do to prevent it or slow its progression. That is simply not true. We are told that there are a host of non-modifiable factors that will lead to ED and while some of them may hold water, many can be addressed without the need for medication or further treatment. At very least, a man’s sexual function may improve with lifestyle changes.

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Keeping Your Kidneys in Top Shape

We each have two kidneys, located by midway up the back. And while the kidneys can certainly take a beating, it is important to keep them healthy. In fact, it is estimated that upwards of a third of Americans may be at risk for kidney disease.

You could consider the kidneys as the water purifier of our bodies. We rely on our kidneys to filter out the bad stuff we consume and expel it as urine. Making sure that this bad stuff is removed from our bodies quickly and efficiently allows us to get through our days in better health and at our highest physical capacity.

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Elevated PSA – Not All That It Seems

When introduced in the 80s, Prostate Specific Antigen or PSA measurement was a revolutionary advancement in the detection and treatment of prostate cancer. Without it, prostate cancer detection would be an even more significant concern and we would certainly miss more cases.

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