Telemedicine for Today & Tomorrow

We have all had to make drastic adjustments to our personal and professional lives due to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis.  As such, Urologic Surgeons of Washington has accommodated our patients by offering telemedicine visits in lieu of in-person visits.
We encourage our patients, when possible, to conduct their visit remotely to provide safe,
excellent and appropriate care with the least amount of inconvenience to the patient.

STEP 1: Schedule an Appointment

Before conducting a telemedicine visit you will need to schedule an appointment with our office. You can do so by calling us on the number below:

Call (202) 223-1024

STEP 2: Fill Out Patient Forms

All new patients and those who have not seen us within the past 3 years must fill out our new patient forms. Returning patients must re-submit their forms if their mobile phone, billing address, insurance information, medical conditions or medicines have changed. Forms can be filled out online by clicking below:

Fill Out Forms

STEP 3: At Appointment Time

To conduct a telemedicine visit, one must have access to a smartphone, laptop or home computer with a camera and microphone.

Supported browsers include Chrome, Safari, and Edge (Firefox is not supported)

Medicare and private insurance guidelines insist video teleconferencing be part of the visit, not just a simple phone call.  To some this may seem intimidating, but we have partnered with a simple, HIPAA compliant program that allows this to be done with little administrative hassle or time involved.

To start your remote visit at your appointment time, go to your doctor’s specific virtual waiting room.

You will be taken directly to their “waiting room” where you will enter your name and your
appointment time.

If the website ( asks you allow access to video and/or audio, please accept and press “Enable Camera” if offered. Both are necessary to proceed with the consultation.

When your physician is available, they will click on your icon and the video visit will begin. You will be able to see and talk to each other, for as long as is necessary to address your urologic problem. Your visit will be documented just as any other visit is. Lab tests and radiologic studies can be ordered, prescriptions filled, etc. In other words, this will be a complete visit with your doctor in nearly every way.

We at USW are hoping that out of this challenging time comes change for the better.  We feel that exposure to telemedicine will make it clear that this should remain a vital part of American healthcare in the future and, if possible, we intend to make this a key adjunct to our practice for the foreseeable future.

Urology Urgent Care

Urologic Urgent Care

Every patient that would otherwise have gone to a generic urgent care for their urologic can now be seen at a specialist-level urologic urgent care with same-day appointments.

Online Appointments Learn More
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